
Oak slats 26x20x2780

9.50 eur/per piece + VAT

Varnished/oiled: EUR 9.60 per piece + VAT

Ąžuoliniai tašeliai  gali būti lakuoti natūraliu matiniu laku arba padengti pasirinkta alyva su spalva, beicuoti arba niekuo nepadengti.

  • Width 26 mm x depth 20 mm x height 2780 mm.
  • Natural oak shell laminated on 3 sides.
  • The slats keep their shape and are resistant to environmental effects.
  • They are made from an MDF panel.
  • Can be glued onto walls and ceilings.
  • Easy and quick to install.
  • Can be glued in place with installation - grade glue.

Slat measurements (mm): 26x20x2780

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    26x20x2780 mm

    Tašeliai laminuoti ąžuolo lukštu iš trijų pusių. Pagaminti iš MDF plokštės. Naudojami dekoruojant erdves kaip medžio elementai. Sumontuoti ant sienų arba lubų vizualiai padidina erdvę. Puikiai dera bene kiekviename interjere sukurdami išskirtinumo ir jaukumo pojūtį. Tašelių maksimalus ilgis yra 2780 mm.

    If you opt for plain slats, they can be coated with the oil or paint of your choice and glued on a prepared wall. The slats can be used in any room where there is low humidity. The specified price applies to each piece of the product.

    Feel free to choose – in this way, the wall or ceiling slats panel can blend into any interior. If you have your own ideas for the interior, we can help you bring them to life!


    Optional information

    MEASUREMENTS26 × 20 × 2780 cm

    Varnished with a natural matt varnish, coated with oil (you can choose the oil and the colour) or plain.